Another Property Sold - 907 2ND St, Neptune Beach, FL 32266
DUPLICATE LISTING #1084487 RESIDENTIAL. TEAR DOWN STRUCTURE - SOLD FOR LOT VALUE. UNDER CONTRACT! SUBMIT BACK-UP 2ND POSITION CONTRACTS ONLY.LARGE LOT 73 FT frontage by 100 FT deep (7300 sq ft) ZONED NR4. THIS IS A LOT SALE. HOUSE HAS NO VALUE CONVEYS AS-IS.All offers shall only be submitted in writing using NEFAR PASA, and will then be reviewed by Estate Personal Representative. Binder Deposit due within 3 days after review and acceptance. Buyer shall then have 10 day Inspection Period/Due Dilligence per PASA. Buyer to verify Neptune Zoning, building codes, and Flood Zones. Closing date shall be determined by, and is subject to, Probate...